The Soundless Radio. #My Writing Words#

A Piece of writings like a poem.


A beautiful dawn
A bright smiling day
A hope that comes with a smirk
A ride to the land of hilarity
Could this be a dream?
Am I still in the world of imagination?
*where there is no limitation in creation
*only a few doors, many windows of motivation.
Yes, I feel it, I feel the power that grows with the trees.
Being facile to grow without hustling, struggling but surviving.
   It is not magic but nature
   Nature beyond my reasoning.
I have been friends with the trees for years, waiting and waiting with my ears, hoping to divulge the secrets of the past, that helps modify the present, beautify the future.


A time different from time
A way leading to a way
Another new chapter of an ancient past
A life that look new but old. . . older than your imagination.


I am taking a walk to the unknown
Wondering why the world is cold, lonely and old.
Pictures can lie but my mirror don’t
I have never trusted a picture since I made friends with my mirror. . . .
Truth is all that matters.
But how truthful can truth be?
If something can be old, rusted and destroyed but still be created back,
Isn’t it new again?
A lie that shouldn’t be known. What a package!!!
   How wise can wisdom be?
What was use to create wisdom,
Since through wisdom, all things were created?
   A priceless tool with many price tags, isn’t that what she called you?
Wisdom, my spotless one.
We all seek you but you choose who you wanted… Isn’t that a sign of war?
How painful, I feel rejected. . .
All alone with no memories
And you are wondering why?
You murdered me yet you search for my killer. . . . isn’t that a sign of deceit?


It’s all useless, I get your point
Everything I worked for, would be dust blown by the wind, just as you commanded from the very beginning of creation. 
  What can I do? Than watch you
Kill with mercy,
Smile with frown,
Love with anger. . .


I sat there, under the tree
Listening to this words as they flow by
Then, she ran a step closer to me
Quickly, her words flowed into my ears
Shhhh. . . be quiet!!! For I listen to the Soundless radio. . . as noisy as a playing piano.
News!  News! ! News! ! !
What is so new about news?
People act the best they can,
You hunger for news?
Nothing is new, nothing is news!
I’m exhausted, my blood is faintly
Thristy for your wages..
    My mind stays awake even when I sleep with the dreamer.
    Alert. . to control the play of the gamer.
    So wise of me . . . . not being a loser,
When it comes to romancing the soul of a lover.
     Deep in love, I’ll sail the ocean of the maker, to his throne I’ll take a rest to reconcile us again, till the future is hopeful again.   
           Words from my Soundless radio.





   The issues with idealizing love is that is causes us to develop unrealistic expectations about what love actually is, what is can do for us and how it makes us feel. The unrealistic expectations then attack the very relationships we hold dear in the first place.
For Example: 
                  Even though you fall in love with someone doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good partner for you to be with over the long term.
                Love is simply an emotional process; compatibility is simply a logical process. The two don’t fix into one another very well.


   It’s possible to fall in love with somebody who doesn’t treat us well, who makes us feel worse about ourselves, who correct us in a harsh way, who doesn’t hold the same respect for us as we do for them or who has such a dysfunctional life themselves that they threaten to bring us down with them.
   It’s also possible to fall in love with somebody who has different ambitions or life objectives that are so contradictory to our own, who holds different philosophical beliefs, culture and traditions or worldviews that clash with our own sense of reality.
    It’s possible to fall in love with somebody who sucks for us and our happiness.
    That may sound paradoxical but it’s true.
When I think of all this disastrous relationships I’ve seen people have and experienced, it’s likely many or most of them were entered into on the basis of emotions- they felt that “precipitation”  a set in motion and so they just dove in love.




   Forget that he was an alcoholic, Christian, highly religious or born again, and she was a bisexual, a stripper, drug addict psychiatry.  It just felt okay and right.  I can handle it…..
And then a year later, she start misbehaving, throwing his Shit out from the stairs and he’s there drinking out his life or praying to Jesus twelve times a day for her salvation, then they look around and wonder,
” chai. .. Wetin be this? Na us be this?
Where did it go wrong?
Questions upon question….
The truth is, it went wrong before it all started.



   When dating and looking for a life partner, you must not use only your heart but your mind as well. Yes, you want to find someone who makes your heart hover and your farts smell like  classic lover perfume.
   You also need to evaluate a person’s values, how they treat themselves, how they treat those close to them, their ambitions and their worldviews in general. Because if you fall in love with someone who is incompatible with you….. Just as I tell my close friends, it might have a sweet loving beginning but I swear you, you going to have a sweet loving bad time, that you can’t deal with.
   One of the defining features of loving someone is that you are able to think outside of yourself and your own needs, to help care for another person and their needs as well.
    But the question I always ask my self is this “what are you sacrificing, and is it worth it?


In loving relationships, it’s normal for both people to occasionally sacrifice their own desires, their own needs and their own time for one another. I would argue that this is normal and a big part of what makes a relationship so great and healthy.


   But when it comes to sacrificing one’s self-respect, one’s dignity, one’s physical body, one’s ambitions and life objectives just to be with someone, then that same love becomes problematic.


   A loving relationship is supposed to supplement our individual identity, not damage it or replace it. If you find yourself in situations where you’re tolerating disrespectful or abusive behavior, then you’re allowing your love to consume you and negate you, if you’re not careful, it will only leave you as a shell of the person you once were.

Relationships can be a heartache, can be complicated and difficult.
   But few people know that there are some pretty majors or clear signals to know when a relationship is going to work or not.

Here is my e-mail:
I Would like you to inbox me your suggestions, opinions etc. . thanks friends! !♥♥♥

          Thank you for reading.



Love is the best antidepressant – but many of our ideas about it are wrong. The less love you have, the more depressed you are likely to feel.



Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It’s not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are, the more you are at risk.


It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably the best antidepressant there is because one of the most common sources of depression is feeling unloved. Most depressed people don’t love themselves and they do not feel loved by others.


They are also very self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn the skills of love.


   There is a mythology in our culture that love just happens. As a result, the depressed often sit around passively waiting for someone to love them. I say, a hope that is hopeless because love doesn’t work that way. To get love, you must have love to give. To get love and keep love, you have to go out and be active, learn a variety of specific skills.
   Most of us get our ideas of love from popular culture. We come to believe that love is something that sweeps us off our feet. But the pop-culture ideal of love consists of unrealistic images created for entertainment, which is one reason so many of us are set up to be depressed.
One consequence is that when we hit real love we become upset and disappointed because there are many things that do not fit the cultural ideal. Some of us get so demanding and controlling, wanting someone else to do what we think our ideal of romance should be, without realizing our ideal is misplaced.


   It is not only possible but necessary to change one’s approach to love, to ward off depression.
    Follow these action strategies to get more of what you want out of life; to love and be loved.

★)) Recognize the difference between Limerence and Love.
   Limerence is the psychological state of deep infatuation. It feels good but rarely lasts. Limerence is that first stage of mad attraction whereby all the hormones are flowing and things feel so right. Limerence lasts, on average, six months. It can progress to love.  Love mostly starts out as Limerence, but Limerence doesn’t always evolve into love.    ~~ Ellen McGrath.

★)) Learn good communication skills.
    Mark this as an important. They are a means by which you develop trust and intensify connection. The more you can communicate the less depressed you will be that is because you will feel known and understood.


   There are always core difference between two people, no matter how good or close you seems to be, and if the relationship is going right, those differences surface. The issue then is the ability to identify the differences and negotiate them so that they don’t distance you or kill the relationship.
    You do that by ‘understanding’ where the other person is coming from, who that person is, and by being able to represent yourself. When the differences are known, you must be able to negotiate and compromise on them until you find a common ground that works for both.

★)) Focus on the other person.
   Rather than focusing on what you are getting and how you are been treated, read your partner’s need. What does this person really need for his/ her own well being? This is a very tough skill for people to learn in our egotistic culture of life. Note this, you don’t have to lose yourself in the process; you make sure you’re also doing enough self- care. Not losing yourself totally while loving someone.


★)) Help someone else.
   Depression keeps people so focused on themselves, they don’t get outside themselves enough to be able to learn to love. The more you can focus on others and learn to respond and meet their needs, the better you are going to do in love.

★)) Develop the ability to accommodate simultaneous reality.
   The loved one’s reality is as important as your own, and you need to be as aware of it as of your own. What are they really saying, what are they really needing?
   Depressed people think the only reality is their own depressed reality.


★)) Actively dispute your internal messages of inadequacy.
   Sensitivity to rejection is a cardinal feature of depression. As a consequence of low self-esteem, every relationship glitch is interpreted far too personally as evidence of inadequacy. Quick to feel rejected by a partner, you then believe it is the treatment you fundamentally deserve. But the rejection really originates in You and the feeling of inadequacy are the depression speaking.




For suggestions, stories or life experiences.

Reference on writing (the DIADEM of love) : Ellen McGrath.


                  THE GAZE


August 26th 2005.

   With the freshness of the morning breath and the singing birds, I could sense the sweetness of the beginning day. Waking up earlier than before, was a sign of something that made me stay on positive, waiting for my special package delivery of happiness.
   Having breakfast at 7:06am, packed my books and other study materials in to my bag, rushed to school.
   At school, same faces as usual I keep seeing. School wasn’t something special to me, my friends rather the classmates I had, were just like any other human beings you can find on the road. That is to say, I had no special friend,  twas just me, myself and I, like I said earlier in page 1.
   I sit close to the window in the front roll of the classroom, always minding my business, no relation, no discussion just me. Sometimes I wonder why I’m so lonely, may be it is because I’m not attractive enough or I have a bad luck in friendship but at the same time I think it’s cool to be lonely. I had my first period of lesson on physics, it wasn’t something special but all i know is I had to read harder to be able to make the best grades that will make me proud of me.
    26th August 2005, being a friday, I had lots of free periods. Fridays are our free day in school,  got few lesson periods and the rest of the day are free periods for us. Class so noisy, everyone having loud talks, laughing and playing like they’re in so much fun.  Looking at me, is me with my novel and my desk, no need to be told that I was the loneliest girl in the class. I couldn’t focus on my novel because of noisy class, so I had to stare outside the window into the world of imagination, where I can only experience true chance of freedom. Imagining myself finding love, finding happiness, finding wealth and success. I’ve  always wanted a boyfriend, someone who will be mine, someone I can share me with, my thoughts and life experiences. I never gave up on my imaginations and I never stopped imagining.
   Few minutes later, the school bell rang, I’m done for the day so I packed up my books, fixed up my desk and left school for home, I walked home all alone.
    It was so boring at home,  I had no more interesting novels to read, I had no friends to visit, so I decided to go for a walk down the neighborhood. I had a beautiful neighborhood, nice houses with expensive cars, it was a beautiful environment a nice place to live in.
Walking eight houses away from mine leads to Helena’s house. Helena was a senior student at school, pretty loving girl though she was always ready to bully us the juniors. Getting close to her house, I could see her with a boyfriend, talking and laughing. She called out to me,  hey!!!  Hi Helena I replied. She walking up to me and for the first time she embraced me.
Where you heading to? She asked me. Walking to nowhere. .. I answered.
Will you like to join us? She asked
Yeah…. I said.
I sat beside her, feeling so shy and not knowing what to say. The boyfriend said to me.
Hi, I’m Charles. Nice to meet you. His hands out in the air waiting for an handshake from me.
Hi, I’m Velly, nice to meet you too. I replied.
You’re beautiful, can I be a friend? He asked.
Honestly, at that moment I didn’t know what to say but the words popped out Yes…. Friends.  He smiled at me.
I asked Helena if she had some novels to spare me for sometime,  she gave me some then I left.
   The day came for me to return back her novel, I went down to her house,  I saw her mom in the sitting room.
Ohh look who we have here! ! Young velly stopper! ! (She always call me young Velly Stopper) how are you today? She asked me.
Very well ma’am, I replied, I seek Helena, is she around?
Yes, she is in her room,  that’s second room on your left, she said.
Thanks ma, me smiling.
Got to Helena’s room, she got headphones on, wearing a short black stony gown laying on her bed, She smiled at me as I walking in.
Hi Helena, I said.
Her room was so beautiful and expensive, she is a fat cat definitely living in an expensive house, being the only child she always got all that she asked for.
You brought back my novels, she said.
Yes, I really loved reading those novels, quite an interesting stories, thanks again for lending them to me but do you mind if I borrow some New ones? I requested. Sure, you can, I’ve got lots on the book shelf over there, she said pointing to the pink book shelf at the corner. Going through the books on the books shelf. Charles walked in, without mind Helena he came straight to me. .
He said, Hi friend, i’m so happy to see you here. I see, you do come here often…
Not really just when I need to pick or return Helena’s novels. I replied him.
He smiled at me again saying, I like you…. I do see you around the neighborhood, I’m quite sure you never noticed me staring at you for sometimes now.
Ermmm…. No, I replied. Do you live around here? I asked him. 
No I don’t but I’m always around if you want to see me, he answered.
He walked over to Helena saying, I do like your friend so much, she is the girl I told you about.
Yeahh, she’s beautiful I can see Helena said.
At that moment, I really wanted to leave but Charles held my hands not saying a word but kept staring at me.
I didn’t like the atmosphere in the room and the way he looked into my eyes…. Making me scared of something I don’t know, I’m feeling so shy to say a word, looking like a coy.
I have to leave now, I’ve got school work to do at home, I said.
No no no don’t leave yet, Charles demanded, can I get your number please?
I looked at Helena and she said yeah please give him.
So I gave him my number and he promised to call me later in the day.
On my way out, Helena held me back and said, Charles is my Ex boyfriend, We broke up few months ago…. I guess he likes you so much, he is a nice guy and I’m sure you’ll like him too. .. But please Velly don’t hurt him, always be nice to him.
Okay I said, I’ll try my best to be nice to him Helena. I smiled.
So Charles walked me out the gate, he wanted to walk me down to my house but I refused. So he went back to Helena’s.


I just wanted to be alone in the field … To be back to my world of imaginations where everything is possible. Where time can’t be an impeding barrier.


To be continued. …..
(PG 3)

Thanks Friends for reading! !!

Follow up for more interesting stories and life experiences.

The Greatest Gift One Could Have Is “Time” .


Time is a gift!!


   If there is time then you have opportunity.


   Time is a system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present or future ; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
Duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come. (Finite duration)
If there is time, then you have opportunity for a change.


   The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used keep series of elapsed time.
It also concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future.


   Time is a measure in which event can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of duration of events and the interval between them.


   As you read this sentence, you probably think that this moment right now– is what is happening.  The present period or your current moment feels special. It is real. However much you may remember the past or anticipate the future, you live in the present. The moment during which you read that sentence is a past event, is no longer happening. In other words, it feels as though time flows, in the sense that the present is constantly updating itself.
   We have a deep intuition that the future is open until it becomes present and that the past is fixed. As time passes by, this structure of constant past, immediate present and open future gets carried forward in time. This structure of time is built into our language, thought and behavior. How we live our lives hangs on it.


   What does it mean to live fully in the present moment? It means that your awareness is completely focused on the here and now. You are not worrying about the future or thinking about the past.
   When you live in the present, you are living where life is happening. The past and future are illusions. The future is yet to occur while the past is an already happened moment, you are left only memories of an already happened events. “The future is a mystery that can never be known only time can reveal the secrets of tomorrow “~~~~ vellystopper
   Tomorrow is only a concept,  tomorrow is always awaiting to come around, the corner are shadows never to have light shed upon, because time is always now. Time gradually reveals what the future is about.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. “- Buddha

” Your past experiences are there as a guide to help modify your present and beautify your future “.– Vellystopper

Learn to live in the present not in the past. The past maybe precious with good memories but it remains a past event. Live in the present because that is where life is “.~~Vellystopper




    I suppose everyone has heard that old saying about how time flies when you get to be a certain age. Some say that happens after you reach your 18th birthday, other say it’s when you are 21. I don’t believe the hands on the clock turned any faster at either of those ages for me, but there’s no doubt now that time is in high gear.
I think back to those days when I was a child and how different everything was then, many people I knew then are no longer with me and that makes me really sad.
    My mind wanders back sometimes to the neighborhood where I lived then and everyone of the older people I made friends with are gone. Taking a drive back out to that part of the country brings back a lots of memories of people I liked spending time with. Like my grandma who died many years ago,  though she was still young, I never expected her to leave me just like that.
   I can still remember back then when I do come around to see her and seeing those beautiful eyes of hers, her smiling face running out to embrace me,  telling me how she missed me and I should be coming around more often. I could remember that cold evening, she made out some fire to warm us up, then telling us stories of the past and all excitement made our life interesting to know more about life and past records. She prepared some local meal and everything was all fun. I do miss you grandma.


   I still have to say Time gives hope.  Hope to everyone, the little child grows into a man with great ambitions.
The students you see today will become masters of inventions tomorrow.
That little girl you see now will soon become a mother of children.
And etc. .
   Time is the reason for existence.
“The hope for a better is fulfilled with Time “~~ Vellystopper.




   Lost time is never found again.
Life don’t cost any money, it really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.  Time is the greatest gift one could have.
End of time is end of life. Nothing exist when there is no time.



Fun is something such as an activity or situation that provides you a pleasant and enjoyable moment that causes you to feel happy.
Time is precious and should be spent wisely.
Free time can be expensive because there are so many tempting and costly ways to spend it.

Lesson: Once there is time, there is opportunity.


Thank you for reading!!!
Velly Stopper

The Hot Tea


The Hot Tea. 

Twas a cold morning
And the sun was so cold
Refusing to stand out for
Mr day to begin it’s activities.
The clouds were all quivering
Seeking blankets from heaven.
Man refuse to leave their houses
Babies kept sleeping, a cry while sleeping. . moms got scared.


Twas a terrible morning
With cold swinging and playing
On every corner of the world.


We wondered, how long will this last?
Something has to be done. .. We cried
Miss Sun, got on her feet angrily
She chased cold away.
Cold running for its dear life
Stopped and demanded just a
Cup of tea from me.
As soon as it finished drinking the
Hot tea, it disappeared.


Velly Stopper ♥♥

Random Photos (Animals)


A young stag has been photographed rampaging inside a bus after colliding with the vehicle on a road between kremsbruke and Rennweg in Australia. The deer finally managed to get out of the bus, the driver was slightly injured.


They may be cute and fluffy but judging by the expression on their faces these adorable tawny frogmouths are less than impressed. The cute chicks are current being cared for at carina Heights in Brisbane Australia. The species is native to Australia and despite their appearance, Are not actually owls. However, they are often mistaken as such due to their nocturnal habits and similar colouring.



A Chance of True Freedom


” A Chance of True Freedom “.( Writing words~~~Words with no voice)

Live a life of laughter
Forget about the sadness of the day.
Be bold and brighter
Even when you are free from battle. .
Stand out like a cloud
Standing with no ground beneath it’s feet
Let them see the golden eye of the day
But be blind to the evil eye of the night
Say truth even when truth refuses to be revealed…
Let the sword of sincerity destroy lies forever…
The world is over shadowed with secrets, mindless mind roaming the streets
Doom awaits those who are doomed
To the pit of hell, lies the bones of those who were evil… Welcoming all to its evil
Path… This is hell, it’s says
How silent can the Creator be?
Will his silence tells he is Defeated?
Can a creature win a creator?
How powerful can power be?
Forgiveness creates room for danger
Second chances ruins the day
Giving joy to mistakes and regrets.
No way out, we are in this forever.. Together!!
Yes I know,  all these I knew…
From the very beginning, day was created through wisdom
Like they say “everything was created through wisdom ”
Then what was used to create wisdom?
I asked… Silence filled their hearts…
Answers disappeared
Like I was a different being of all beings…
All eyes speaking to me in a strange way
I was humbled and silent.
Just as the day never stop coming
My thoughts kept on flowing. ..
I said, you can only say a word at a time
Walk on a path and not two
Be in a place at a time
Everything too slow!!! I questioned
Why are we the most limited of all creatures created by the Creator?
Why punish with love?
Why sing with tears?
Why kill with mercy?
Give us a chance to be us again
Ruling our world like the beginning…


“A Chance of True Freedom “.

                 World of imagination
With no limitations!!!      

By:  Velly Stopper

The Girl And Loneliness. (Page 1)


5th November 2015.

Beauty has nothing to do with an empty self. What more can I ask for? when all I get is nothing!!
My name is Velly Stopper and this is just the beginning of a lifeless being filled with vibes,  a route to excitement with emptiness and lonely mind.
The world wished they could be me because life gave them another view which the thought of was fun. A lie that shouldn’t be told again. What more can I get? Walking on a road, my feet can’t touch? Laughing so loud that my lips hissed with saddness. Hoping on a love that always dances in the dark, mocking me. Trying to be good when my benevolence turns into a demon with a beautiful smile.
All arrows pointing to me with the best gifts in their hands, smiling and saying sweet words of encouragement. Everyone thought I had it all,  She’s so lucky!!! They said.  Wait till I unveil and open up each gifts, which I did, only to find nothing but loneliness… Why why why!!!! How can they do such a cruel thing to me? We’ve been friends for long, yet all you left me with is nothing but loneliness.
My pictures can smile to you but I don’t care if you can’t get its right  understanding, never to trust a picture.
I am worth more, that I kept hoping on, waiting for a better tomorrow as days passes by yet I can’t find something new, something different, something interesting…. Just me and loneliness, best companion life has to offer me, a gift I can’t reject because I am helpless, hopeless and already tired of waiting for wait, tired of hoping on hope, tired of looking for love, the more I search, the more I lose the little ones I have. Things never got better. Those I trusted where the ones who hurts me the most! Friendship I thought would never end, ended in a blink of an eye.
Yes,  I heard it too, I heard you wishing me nothing but a lonely life…. Me, myself and i, like a trinity of oneself. I’ll sink with sorrow and drink loneliness till I get full and ready to give up my ghost… Yes those were your words.
How happy are you now? Watching me sit alone, eat alone, sleep alone, talk alone like I’m the only one living on earth? Why why why



         Velly stopper
The Girl and loneliness!!!

To be continued. ..!! (In page 2)

My writing words

Words with no voice!!


Words that kept coming!!!

It was on 1st November, being Sunday, Sitting right there on a white chair in my room facing the left Window and smiling at the sunny afternoon. My writing words began and this was what I wrote:
Crying won’t stop pains from flowing through your vain!!
Whispers of dried tears will only leave a traceable lines on my face!!
Why is darkness so dark?
Why is light so bright?
It is only a design made by nature!
Loneliness is only an emptiness no vacancy. ..
I’m living a life like I’m the only soul on earth, on one around to see my face!!
So good with the pretence of my face and hide true feelings of the heart!!
Love chases all it can but left me with emptiness and self.
How many scars would you leave on my heart?
I’ve been strong enough to endure my pain but this scars can never be erased. .. Its like a mark of the ending arrows marked on its target.
The speed and distance fully determined, just a little strength is needed to push through. Till I give up the ghost and return to my creator, who is the greatest maker of all things beautiful on heavens, earth and below worlds. Till he get tired of creating, only then I’ll rest with him forever in a secret door with seven locks of an eye look, where hearts are the only keys needed to unlock the secret paths of knowledge and wisdom, with you all dressed in white as a sign of purity and sincerity, before you, a test is laid and that you must overcome without a flow of blood both good and bad, which only brings dirtiness and corruption of the minds of man.
I see a white dove speaking in eighteen Madish languages of the wise men, I was only welcomed once, when I was so pure in spirit till I lost all purity, becoming evil like other hearts are, now I regret, my benefits are all denying me because of a drop of evil.
I can remember how “most beloved, the favorite known as the Brightest morning one ” sneaked through in the absence of the watching spirits,  standing and guiding the doors of evil.. Which was forbidden to all including “the Brightest morning one “. But he was made different with a different view of thoughts and understanding, which made him find joy in releasing and setting evil free. ~~~~
Now, I know he regrets his actions .. Evil was most dangerous of all things created and locked by the watching spirits.
We tore our white robes in anger and screamed at “the Brightest morning one “… What have you done? I said, why let evil trick you? You have brought to us the punishments we never deserved!!! I cried out loud till the creator heard my cry from the second layer of the Ecaris.  Once his presence seized the moment.. We bowed with respect because he is the Greatest, All hail the creator and singing praises to his holy name.
Our spirits could not merge because one of us is unclean and poisoned, like a strange spirit filled with mixtures of the unknown.. There was confusion everywhere, every corner, every regions,  power seized its breath, existence paused, and life reduced.
Something is wrong.
A time is changed.
A beast was born on that same day “the Brightest morning one ” fell in love with evil,  a Secret commitment for eternity and a bond that can’t be separated, like a spiritual javinier curse on dark powers.
For the first time, the Holy one had a strange face like a mixture of confusion and saddness. Moments passed then He gained all powers again because he is the creator of all though bounds were touched and cracks were made.
The brightest morning one tried to change process of process, thing we never or imagined to imagine in our hearts.  He brought confusion, pain, saddness, all this comes only from evil, whom he fell in love with, a wrong choice he thought was right!!! Till he felt the same pain as we all did… But it’s too late,  evil is loosed from bound.. All he could say was I AM  SORRY (PI TA JIAKE)  A strange tongue of words never known to us.
The holy one who is forever merciful and his love is for eternity, through love the punishment he could give to the Brightest morning one,  was to have him thrown down with evil his new companion,  away from righteousness  and love, into a section where his desires to rule as a king could be fulfilled.
You can see how merciful the creator is!!! Giving the Brightest morning one a chance to fully taste his desires of kingship and see how it ends.  A lesson to us all.
Evil can never be good!! Forever seperation that no power can emerge!!!